Permit status


Permit issued
On August 8, 2016 a project permit was issued to the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s Habitat Enhancement Program to develop the New Brighton Park Shoreline Habitat Restoration Project on federal lands and water in Port Authority jurisdiction.The project was approved subject to 53 permit conditions which Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s Habitat Enhancement Program must meet to ensure the project does not result in significant adverse environmental effects.Construction is anticipated to begin in September 2016 and the project would be completed by end of summer 2017. For more information about the project and construction activities, please visit the New Brighton Park Habitat Restoration Project webpage.
About the project
The Habitat Enhancement Program proposes to undertake a shoreline habitat restoration project in New Brighton Park to enhance biodiversity and create a more interesting experience for park visitors. The proposed works include:
  • Creation of approximately 20,000 m2 of intertidal, subtidal, instream, and riparian habitat (and associated plantings), and
  • Creation/modification of park features, including off-leash dog amenities, viewing decks, pathways, improved beach access, and plantings.
The site, which was historically filled to create industrial land, has been selected for restoration based on its potential to provide high-value habitat for a broad range of fish, birds, and other wildlife species. In particular, the creation of a tidal wetland feature will improve habitat in Burrard Inlet for the rearing of juvenile salmon and generally enhance marine productivity in the area.Upland park features include modified pathways, modified off-leash dog amenities with new gate vestibules, two raised berm areas, viewing decks, off-leash dog area fencing, habitat fencing, a modified pedestrian beach access area, and plantings throughout the works areas.Project activities and components include:
  • Soil excavation to create a tidal salt marsh and placement of fill in adjacent areas.
  • Habitat restoration and enhancement of approximately 2.0 ha of intertidal, instream, and riparian habitat
  • Riparian habitat planting and restoration
  • Construction of park features including access trails, interpretive signage, fencing, and a dog off-leash area
  • Follow-up monitoring to assess habitat effectiveness
Contact information
To learn more about the project and construction activities, please go to the New Brighton Park Habitat Restoration Project webpage or contact the Habitat Enhancement Program by email or phone at 604.665.9071.For questions regarding the Project and Environmental Review Process, please contact us by email or phone at 604.665.9047.

Permit details


New Brighton Park Shoreline Habitat Restoration Project

Application Number

  • 15-096, 03-300, 03-200