Permit status


The Lynn Creek Rail Bridge was completed on March 29, 2011. Harbourview Park was completed in May 2011. The Brooksbank Avenue Underpass Project was completed in February 2012.
About the project
The Lynn Creek Rail Bridge and Brooksbank Avenue Underpass Project was identified as part of the North Shore Trade Area and facilitates improved railway access to and from the Neptune and Lynnterm West terminals in North Vancouver.The following are the main components of the project:
  • construction of a new rail bridge over Lynn Creek to accommodate Neptune Terminal and Lynnterm West Terminal
  • expansion of the Brooksbank Avenue underpass to allow ongoing vehicle access to Lynnterm West Terminal and other businesses along Brooksbank Avenue south
  • relocation of the parking area and public access for the District of North Vancouver’s Harbourview Park
  • construction of a grade-separated pedestrian crossing of the rail tracks at Lynn Creek to provide train connectivity between Harbourview Park and the Lynn Creek corridor

Permit details


Lynn Creek Rail Bridge and Brooksbank Avenue Project