Permit status


The mandate for the Deltaport Third Berth Project Community Liaison Committee (DCLC) is now complete.The Deltaport Third Berth Project Community Liaison Committee (DCLC) consisted of up to 18 individuals representing residents, community associations and businesses in Delta, as well as port stakeholder groups.The mandate of the Committee was to work with us during the construction and first year operation of the third berth at Deltaport to identify community concerns, develop potential solutions to address those concerns and assist in communicating information among the community, the Port and other port stakeholders.Visit DCLC’s website: 
Background information
Terms of Reference
Meeting Notes
Port Updates to DCLC
Documents& Reports
Fact Sheets
DCLC Members
  • Leslie Abramson, Ladner Resident and Tsawwassen Business Owner
    Leslie Abramson is a resident of Ladner and has operated her business in Delta for 36 years. During this time, she served as President of the Delta Chamber of Commerce and as the first female President of the BC Chamber of Commerce. Leslie is Past President and active member of the Boys and Girls Club, Charter member of the Tsawwassen Rotary Club and Treasurer of the Delta Police Foundation.
  • Allan Baydala, the Port of Vancouver
    Allan Baydala represents the Port of Vancouver (PMV). Allan is the Chief Financial Officer of PMV and past President and CEO of the North Fraser Port Authority. Allan is a University of British Columbia graduate and Chartered Accountant with over 20 years aviation experience with CP Air, Canadian Airlines, AirBC and West Coast Air. Allan was president, CEO and owner of West Coast Air. Allan is the past chair of the BC AIM Consortium, a tourism and communities organization concerned with the future of air transportation in BC and Canada. Allan is also a Director of Tourism Richmond and a past director of the Tourism Industry Association of Canada, the Council of Tourism Associations of BC, Tourism Vancouver, and the BC Aviation Council. Allan and his wife Barbara live in Ladner where they raised their two sons, Alex (22) and Matthew (20).
  • Steve Bayley, Sunbury Neighbourhood Association
    Steve Bayley represents the Sunbury Neighbourhood Association in North Delta. The Sunbury Neighborhood Association has been acting as a conduit into the Sunbury, Annieville and Devon Gardens areas of North Delta for a number of years. The focus of the The Association is to ensure that neighbours have input into changes in our neighbourhood.
  • Farida Bishay, Tsawwassen Resident
    Farida Bishay received her Bachelor of Science degree in marine biology from the University of British Columbia and her Masters of Science degree in environmental biology and ecology from the University of Alberta. She is currently employed by the GVRD and works on the receiving environment monitoring program for the five waste water treatment plants in Greater Vancouver. Prior to her career with the GVRD, Farida studied sea grass between the Roberts Bank causeways and worked as a consultant for many years. She currently sits on the Board of Directors for the Tsatsu Shores Homeowners Corporation and serves on the Environmental Advisory Committee to the Corporation of Delta.
  • Robert Butler, Delta Farmers’ Institute
    A Ladner resident since 1973, Robert retired in 1997 from his position as Terminals Manager for Alberta Pool and Pacific Elevators Limited grain terminals in Vancouver’s Burrard Inlet. During his 31 years in the grain industry, he served on a variety of grain industry committees in Vancouver, Calgary and Winnipeg, and has been engaged in various consulting projects relating to the grain business since his retirement. Since 1997 he has been engaged as the Administrator for the Delta Farmers’ Institute (established in 1898) who represent the majority of commercial farmers in Delta. In February this year he also became the Administrator for BC Potato and Vegetable Growers Association and serves as the Secretary/Treasurer for the Western Potato Council. He is also engaged as the Administrator for the BC Waterfowl Society, and Managers of the George C. Reifel Bird Sanctuary on Westham Island in Delta.
  • Teresa Cooper, Ladner Resident
    Teresa has spent the last 17 years living in Ladner while raising her 4 children. During that time she has been actively involved in the community including Tour de Delta, Delta Chamber of Commerce and the Ladner Business Association. Teresa is currently the Executive Director for the Delta Hospital Foundation.
  • Simon Daniels, Terminal Systems Inc. (TSI)
    Simon recently joined TSI as Director, Engineering and Maintenance, following a progressive career as a civil engineer with consultant Omni Engineering Inc.He pursued his degree in civil engineering at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, and began working on the Waterfront with the Vancouver Port Corporation as a summer student in the early 1990’s.After graduation, Simon began as Site Engineer for the Vancouver Port Authority’s first major expansion of Deltaport - the Pod 3 Expansion and later as Project Engineer for the expansion of Vanterm Container Terminal – Vancouver’s largest inner harbour container terminal. Simon is the Lead Project Engineer for the Deltaport Third Berth Project.
  • Roger Emsley, Ladner Resident
    Roger Emsley has spent his career in the transportation industry as an airline and travel and transportation industry executive. His responsibilities included Industry Affairs and as a result he has considerable experience in international relations and negotiations, having served on, as well as chaired, numerous international committees and conferences. In 1998, he established Emsley Management Ltd., to provide travel industry consulting services. Roger is a long term - since 1968 - resident of South Delta and has been active in the community in a volunteer capacity. He is involved with a number of community related groups. He currently serves as chairman of Benediction Lutheran Church Council. He is also a member of the Corporation of Delta's Environment Advisory Committee. Roger and his wife Angela own and operate Grove Farm - a horse boarding and training farm in East Ladner and therefore have strong connections to the land and the Delta area. They also operate Grove Farm Bed & Breakfast.
  • Bernita Iversen, Corporation of Delta
    Bernita Iversen represents the Corporation of Delta. Bernita is a Senior Policy Analyst in the Corporate Planning Department and has lived in Ladner for 9 years. Bernita has a background in environmental science and has worked with BC Environment and the UK Environment Agency. Bernita has been involved with the Deltaport Third Berth project since it started and represents Delta on the Environmental Assessment Office Working Group.
  • Andrea Jacobs
    Andrea Jacobs represents the Tsawwassen First Nations.
  • Doug Laloge, Ladner Resident
    Doug and his wife Sunny have lived in Ladner since 1978 where they have raised two children, Nicole and Sean. Over the years Doug has been involved in coaching local baseball, fastball and football teams. Doug currently works for Cabo Drilling Pacific Corp which is involved in the mining industry, where he is responsible for purchasing. Doug spent thirty five years in the recreational marine industry. This afforded him the opportunity to visit ports around the US, Japan and China. Doug feels that together with the Port, residents of Delta can enjoy living in a great community.
  • Linda McKay, Tsawwassen Resident
    Linda McKay is a Certified Management Accountant who has lived in Tsawwassen for the last five years. She has extensive experience serving the public interest, sitting on various boards, committees and community associations to build strong communities by enhancing the quality of life while protecting the environment and its inhabitants. Her involvement has ranged from economic and social development to conservation of wetlands and riparian areas to sitting on First Nations Advisory Committees. Linda holds a strong desire to see Delta benefit from ongoing development while at the same time retaining its roots in agriculture, fisheries and local charm.
  • Clint Morgan, Delta Chamber of Commerce
    Clint Morgan represents the Delta Chamber of Commerce. Clint is President of Delta Container Inc., a company located in the Tilbury industrial park that specializes in the storage, maintenance and repair of Intermodal containers. Clint has been in the transportation industry for 30 years, first in the trucking sector, and for the last 23 years in the Marine side of transportation. Clint is also involved in various community and industry related committees and projects. As the 2nd Vice President of the Delta Chamber of Commerce, Clint’s aim is to put his knowledge of transportation to the service of the industry and the Delta Community.
  • Carl Nygren, Tsawwassen Resident
    Carl Nygren has lived in Tsawwassen for 10 years as a commuter and now as a retired resident. Prior to retirement, he worked as a management consultant specializing in international trade development and the start up of new business ventures. He has participated in Canadian trade missions to China, Japan, Korea, India and former USSR countries. Before moving to Vancouver he lived in Europe and a number of other Canadian cities.
  • Michael Owen, Ladner Resident
    Michael Owen is a seasoned entrepreneur and an active member of the Delta community. Over the past 27 years, he has operated four marine focused businesses in addition to providing consulting, mediation and contract services to the marine sector. He has served as President on the Delta Chamber of Commerce and Ladner Business Association. His involvement in other community and regional activities includes serving as Delta’s representative to BC Transit for the Vancouver Richmond Rapid Transit Extension, Finance Chair to the Delta Millennium Committee, and member on a number of committees including the Delta Riverside Area Plan, Delta Advisory Planning Committee, Transportation Task Force, Tsawassen First Nations Treaty Advisory Committee, Ladner Leisure Center and Ladner Harbour Strategy Committee. In 2002, Michael was awarded Delta Citizen of the Year.
  • Victor Rivers, Tsawwassen Resident
    Victor Rivers is a retired graduate aeronautical engineer (Rensselaer) with an MBA (UBC), Vic spent 39 years working in both the military and commercial aviation field. During the later part of his career, he oversaw a number of airport aviation construction projects including hangars and aviation fuel storage and distribution systems across Canada and in the USA. He was President of Vancouver Airport Fuel Facilities Corporation as well as a Director of the LAXFUEL Corporation in Los Angeles and Hawaii Fuel Facilities Corporation in Honolulu. Vic has lived in Tsawwassen since 1968 and currently resides on Tsawwassen Beach.
  • Bob Semple, Tsawwassen Resident
    Bob has been a Tsawwassen resident for the past 16 years. He has recently retired as a senior planner from the financial services sector and now has more time to be actively involved in important local issues. Bob is a life-long BC resident receiving a BA in Economics and an MBA in Finance from the University of British Columbia. He worked on the BC coast for over 20 years as the owner of a Marine Construction company and later as partner in a construction publishing business. Bob's varied experiences, including dealings with all levels of government, make him a valuable member of a number of boards, including the Tsawwassen Tennis Club, Southpointe Academy and Antrim Mortgage Co-op.
  • M. Lloyd Sim, Ladner Resident
    Lloyd is a twenty-three year resident of Ladner. His career as a sea-going marine engineer spanned some forty plus years ending with his recent retirement from BC Ferries as Senior Chief Engineer. He also spent time in the 1980's serving as a Vice-Chairman of the BC Labour Relations Board. He now manages his own marine supply company serving clients from Mexico to Alaska.

Permit details


Deltaport Third Berth Project Community Liaison Committee

Application Number

  • 21-2010